Louise Roberton
Director St Clair Group Ltd, Wellington, New Zealand
2008 — Present
An independent consultant experienced in organisation communication and change, project management and developing business and technology strategy for private sector and government organisations in NZ and overseas.
Managing complex work programmes and projects, leading strategy development
Deploying communication and change management capabilities to deliver successful business adoption of new processes/systems and organisation change.
Managing and influencing teams, leading through change, and implementing strategic objectives through effective planning, delivery, stakeholder engagement and relationship management.
Deploying strong financial and technical analytical skills alongside strategic capability and engagement.
Since 2008, I have provided a range of business advisory, project management, change and communication services to mostly corporate clients including BCITO, Transpower, the NZ Transport Agency, Spark/Gen-i, KiwiRail and Snapper. I have completed 13 contracts/assignments (average duration 12 months), including:
Fire and Emergency New Zealand
Currently Change Lead for Fire and Emergency NZ's Public Safety Network Implementation Programme (Next Generation Critical Communications).
NZ Department of Corrections
Senior Project Manager responsible for the Department's Critical Risk Controls Implementation Programme. Based in the Infrastructure and Digital Assets Group, I was responsible for implementation of asset/infrastructure-related health and safety controls for machinery, electricity and vehicles.
Senior Project Manager responsible for development of Asset Management strategy systems and processes, modernised ship and terminal operational processes and Business Process Management for the new Interislander ferries and terminals that were due to come into service in 2025/26.
BCITO - Communications Manager/Consultant
Working directly with the Executive Leadership team, I was initially contracted to provide them with internal communication planning, advice and delivery through their Kia Whanake Tātou organisation transformation programme 2018/19. The Government’s Reform of Vocational Education (RoVE) disrupted this work, and my contract was extended to assist them through these changes.
During the initial COVID response period, I moved into a new, broader Communications Manager role, responsible for BCITO’s communication strategy and planning, internal communication and engagement, advising the Executive Leadership team on all communication matters. In this role I continued to be hands on, developing and delivering content and internal engagement channels.
Transpower NZ Ltd
Corporate communications consultant for two years working across several business areas – focussed on Wellbeing, Health & Safety; Demand Response and Transpower’s Transformation programme.
Responsible for all aspects of internal and external communications, including planning, presentations, events, press releases, articles, speeches, web content/design and award submissions. Health & Safety responsibilities extended to Transpower’s service provider networks. This included extensive stakeholder management across the business including the Chief Executive, external partners and vendors.
Business engagement and communication manager for IST Corporate Realm Project.
Engaged business and IST/technology teams on a major enterprise-wide firewall /corporate system migration project with potential for significant business disruption. Analysed impact on business-critical systems and delivered communications for all stakeholders.
New Zealand Transport Agency
Project Manager and Programme Communication Manager roles for NZTA’s Planning & Investment Group’s Transformation Programme – various engagements over six years.
Reporting to Executive sponsors, managed a suite of projects to transform Planning & Investment delivery and communication, introduce new IT systems – covering internal and customer-facing processes and systems.
Leading engagement across NZTA and with external stakeholders for several projects and programmes.
Gen-i / Spark
Programme Manager for the start-up phase of the Gen-i/Ministry of Education project to deliver an Identity Access and Management System (IAMS) for the education sector.
Following award of IAMS delivery for Ministry of Education, Telecom/Gen-i (now Spark), managed completion of contract negotiations, finalisation of business requirements and set-up of Gen-i/Telecom’s programme office and team for delivery of the system.
Put in place Governance and Programme structures, directly working with and reporting to Telecom/Gen-i and Ministry of Education Executive sponsors.
Strategic advisor tasked with developing Telecom/Gen-i’s strategy for the New Zealand health market
Developed a proposed market strategy and supporting presentations for executives, staff and external stakeholders which was ratified by the Executive Leadership Team, I then developed the health sector solutions portfolio and roadmap, delivering related communications, stakeholder management and organisational change.
Following the initial strategy engagement, I acted in the newly created position of Health Market Lead for several months until a permanent candidate was secured.
Senior Manager, Strategy & Transformation, Hewlett Packard NZ, Wellington
2005 — 2008
Reporting to the Executive Manager, Strategy & Transformation, I led consulting teams delivering strategy and project assignments for government sector clients. In this role I specialised in business analysis, programme management and technology strategy.
For Ministry of Health, led development of business requirements, procurement and preparation for implementation of a new National Cervical Screening Register. Brought together the technical and business streams of the project and co-ordinated tracking and reporting of project progress to stakeholders and industry consultation.
Assisted IRD’s Kiwisaver programme office to co-ordinate and prioritise its programme of projects (technical, organisational and communication).
Developed the Cancer Collections Framework for the Ministry of Health – a roadmap for its development of information systems to track information on an individual’s path through cancer treatment, and provide information to support population-based analysis of the effectiveness of cancer treatment in NZ.
Principal Consultant, Tyler & Company, London
2000 — 2005
Tyler & Company was an international professional services practice serving companies and public agencies active in high-technology industries in Europe, the US, Canada & Asia/Pacific: focused on network industries, especially telecoms and the Internet, air traffic control, municipal information systems and transportation. As a senior member of the practice:
Led delivery of consulting services across all areas (business analysis, technology strategy and transaction-related work) to investors and venture capitalists, particularly around mobile telecommunications and network infrastructure.
Managed and developed technical and financial analysis/reports for large-scale asset finance transactions for European telecommunication companies (BT Cellnet, KPN Mobile, Swiss Orange, TMN Portugal and T-Mobile), air traffic control organisations (Airways New Zealand, Air Services Australia and DFS (Germany)), baggage handling systems (Brussels, Paris), city rail systems (Hamburg, Berlin) and municipal administrative systems (Vienna).
Advised Equity and their Tax Counsel on the suitability of nominated network assets for inclusion, relevant technology lifecycles, and value relative to US Tax Law requirements. Developed recommendations and reports subject to review by the US IRS.
Strategy review and development for companies investing in advanced software product development, including the application of Artificial Intelligence (AI).
Assisted a major telecommunications company in decision-making and implementation of an alliance with a leading global mobile telecommunications organisation for third generation (3G) mobile services.
Guest speaker at the Strategic Finance Institute (SFI) European Cross-Border Leasing Conferences – 2002 and 2003, Brussels and Paris.
Manager Business Strategy & Planning, Mobile, Telecom New Zealand, Wellington
1998 — 2000
Reporting to the General Manager Mobile, I led strategy planning and investment in Telecom’s Mobile Networks and provided advice on Telecom’s partnerships with international companies and technology vendors. I was responsible for developing business and technology strategies and investment plans, and during my time at Telecom I developed effective working relationships throughout Network, Marketing and Sales organisations with peers, senior managers and executives.
Led and facilitated business planning and strategy development for the Mobile Networks, developing annual business plans and any subsequent business cases for investment in the Mobile Networks (NZD$120M/pa).
Communicated mobile network technology strategies and development priorities throughout Telecom.
Regularly wrote Executive and Board briefing papers and developed and delivered presentations for peers, sales people, senior management, executives, board members and external agencies.
Reviewed proposals for international investment in companies and networks and assisted in preparing new business proposals for New Zealand and Australian markets.
Led the project to assess digital technology options for the mobile network. This included leading the RFP, Vendor “Open Home” and negotiation process (and strategy) for the network. Developed the Business Case and Board papers for investment in the new network (NZD$200M), which was approved. Led establishment of the implementation team (85 positions). Regularly reported to executive sponsors on progress, issues requiring their consideration, and made recommendations for resolution.
As Youth (Mobile) Marketing Manager, led team to successfully deliver the ‘Pulsate’ offering to market
Consultant / Associate, EDS / A T Kearney, Wellington
1995 — 1998
Undertook strategic advisory, change management, financial analysis and business process re-engineering assignments for clients in both private and public sectors.
Investigating Officer, Audit & Assessment, NZ Ministry of Defence and Australian Department of Defence, Wellington and Canberra
1990 — 1995
Responsible for efficiency and effectiveness reviews on management, operational and investment practices within the New Zealand (NZDF) and Australian (ADF) Defence organisations.
Graduate Trainee, National Mutual, Wellington
1988 — 1990
Located in Income Protection Business Unit.
Masters in Business Administration, Victoria University of Wellington
1995 — 1997
MBA Electives, Anderson Business School, UCLA, Los Angeles
BA (Honours) History, University of Canterbury, Christchurch
1985 — 1988
Professional Development / Courses
International Association of Business Communicators (IABC) various workshops and seminars on internal communication and engagement - 2016 - 2021, Wellington and on-line Asia-Pacific/US
Project Management – 2007, Hewlett-Packard, Wellington
Guest speaker at the Strategic Finance Institute (SFI) European Cross-Border Leasing Conference – 2002 and 2003, Brussels and Paris
Project Management – 1999, Project Plus, Wellington
Awarded for “demonstrating outstanding leadership” within Network organization – 1998 and 1999, Telecom New Zealand.
Negotiation Skills – 1998, David Foremen Training, Wellington
Consulting Process Frameworks – 1997, A.T. Kearney, Dallas
Presentation Skills – 1997, A.T. Kearney, Melbourne
Tutor Stage 2 Management – Victoria University, Wellington, 1996
New Consultant Orientation – 1996, ATKearney, Melbourne
Introduction to Consulting – 1995, EDS Management Consulting, Dallas
Business Process Re-engineering – 1995, EDS Management Consulting, Sydney
Introduction to Negotiation – 1994, Department of Defence, Canberra
Employee Assistance Programme Counsellor, Ministry of Defence, Wellington, 1990-1995
Convenor Public Service Association, Ministry of Defence, Wellington, 1990-1995
Professional Attributes
Able to manage and motivate teams, address and overcome individual and team challenges.
Respected leader. Influences others to gain commitment and support of views, actions and recommendations.
Strong business acumen. Demonstrates a keen understanding of how the organisation works including its overall strategy, financial management and service delivery.
Excellent communication skills and delivery evidenced by a range of complex reporting experience and presentations at executive and board level, and award of several contracts for communication advice and support.
Able to work at both high-level strategic and on-the-ground operational levels.
Able to challenge, shape and influence key decision-makers.
Strong business administration and resource planning skills.
Available on request